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Friday, January 20, 2012


Dreams of Steam III

Oil up the keys on that old typewriter and give us your best! Following the success of our Steampunk anthologies, "Dreams of Steam" and "Dreams of Steam II," we are back for more!

If you are not familiar with the Steampunk genre, please take a look at the stories in either anthology to get an idea as to what we are looking for. Think of days past when steam powered machinery was the height of modern technology and when men and women dressed in their Victorian-esque finest. Give us your best and most unique stories within this genre. Please do not make references to or use copywritten characters from other known sources. We will only accept unpublished, original works, characters, and story lines.

Due to the massive number of submissions, please pay very close attention to all the submission guidelines. Any submission with excessive formatting, spelling, or editing issues will be immediately disqualified.

Good luck and may the Power of Steam be with you!

Please include on the front page of your manuscript:
•Name (and pen name, if you desire)
• Address
•Phone Number
•E-mail Address
•Number of words (limit 9,000)
•Short bio of 350 words or less.

Submissions should be made in standard double-spaced manuscript format using only one font (preferably Times New Roman 12pt). Stories can be e-mailed to request@kerlakpublishing.com as a MS Word .doc or .rtf (Rich Text Format) attachment.

Deadline for submissions is 5/31/2012. If your story is selected, you will be contacted by 7/30/2012. Paper submissions will not be returned.

If your story is selected for publication, payment will be $20.00 U.S. upon release of the book. This is a royalty release. Royalty rate to be set after the finalists have been selected.

Hard-copy manuscripts should be accompanied by a digital copy in .doc or .rtf format sent on a CD or other modern digital storage format. Stories should be sent to:

Steampunk Submissions
Kimberly Richardson, Editor
c/o Kerlak Publishing
1779 Kirby Parkway, #1-373
Memphis, TN 38138

For any additional questions, please contact Kimberly Richardson at request@kerlakpublishing.com

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