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Friday, May 18, 2012

The Writer Will Take Your Questions Now (#169) -- Movie Aspirations

Of all the stories you've written, which would you most like to see adapted to either film or television?

Oooh. Good question.

A few years ago, I would have quickly answered with "Fishnet Angel, of course." While I would still love to see the Tyranian warrior goddess up on the big screen, I don't think that would be my best bet for a first film project.

So which one would I prefer now to see on the big or small screen?

"Die Giftig Lillie" from The Ruby Files, Volume 1. I can't think of many things more fun than seeing Rick Ruby, Evelyn, and Edie played onscreen with all those shootouts, all that sexual tension, and the pulp-noir action.

And who should play the roles? That's a tougher decision. First thoughts, though?

Edie - Scarlett Johansson

Evelyn - Gabrielle Union

Rick - Eric Stoltz

What do you think?


  1. I actually "cast" all of my characters before I write my story. ;]

    1. I do that when developing story bibles if other writers will be involved because it's a shorthand way of making sure we're all on the same page visually, but I don't usually do it for my own work.

  2. Stoltz is an interesting choice for Ruby and I could see him pulling it off. Would mean a stretch for him, but again, with the right direction, could prove very cool.

    1. Glad you agree. I wasn't originally thinking Stoltz, but then the pic convinced me he'd be perfect.
