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Saturday, June 30, 2012

FandomFest Con Update

Wow. This one's like a family reunion. Seriously. With a party attached to it for the grown-ups. (No, not THAT kind of party.)

Andrea Judy, Charis Taylor, and I arrived Thursday night a little after 10 pm, and got lost both in road construction that had blocked off our exit and in a dungeon of a parking lot at the Galt House in Louisville, KY, but thankfully, it all went up from there.

When I say it's like a family reunion, I meant if you have crazy folks in your family like John Hartness, Allan Gilbreath, Kimberly Richardson, H. David Blalock, Jen Mulvihill, Stephen Zimmer, Michelle Weston, Alex Adams, James Tuck, Georgia Jones, Alan Lewis, Sean Patrick Fannon, Carinn Seabolt, and Stephanie Osborne. So take that all with a grain of salt at the Galt, folks.

Regardless, the opening day of the con was a lot of fun, books found homes, and money changed hands (in a good way, ie, into MY hands as new readers bought my books), so that's always a good start for a con. On top of that, the hotel is incredibly nice, the air conditioning in the building works efficiently (in and of itself a huge plus over last year's con), and the staff has been very, very helpful and friendly. Kudos to all involved for a wonderful time thus far.

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