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Friday, September 21, 2012

The Writer Will Take Your Question Now (#229) -- Promotion & Humility

What is your view of self promotion and getting the word out about your books?

Ummm... No.
Well, considering the degree to which I use social media, convention appearances, email and other promotional outlets, clearly I am a big fan of  promotion. However, I'm not so sure I'm as big a fan of the term "self" promotion. I think the best promotion doesn't just promote "self" alone.

That's one of the reasons for this blog. I can not only drum up potential readers for my work, but it also allows me to showcase other writers and artists too.

It's the reason for the share button when other writers show off their new projects. Share and share alike. The more the merrier. Choose your favorite cliche.And the more you help to share the good word about others, chances are you'll find others returning the favor.

This blog post, I think, sums it up almost perfectly.

No one wants to see a Twitter or FB or Tumblr feed that is just one promotional message after another without any true content. I think that by giving people something to actually read, consider, think about, and dwell on, you give people a good reason to actually visit your page and you earn the right to talk about your own projects every now and then.

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