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Friday, September 14, 2012

The Writer Will Take Your Questions Now (#224) -- Choosing Cons

You attend a lot of conventions. How do you determine which ones you attend and don't attend?

Fandom Fest 2012 (Louisville, KY).
It all comes down to money, most of the time. A lot of writers attend cons for their fun aspect and the meet-up aspect, but for me attending a con is a business decision. As such, I have to factor in how the con will build my business as a writer. It goes beyond just making money by selling books at a table though, and includes:

1. How much immediate money can I make off book sales?
2. How many publishers I need to network with will be attending as well?
3. Is the convention covering my hotel and travel?
4. Will the convention get me into a new market of readers I haven't previously met?
5. How much will my incidentals, such as food and gas, cost for the trip?

These are off-set occasionally by the also important questions such as:

1. Will this con enable me to see old friends I haven't seen in far too long?
2. Am I willing to take a loss on this one to build good will with a new convention?
3. Have I hit this convenient con too often recently so that I'm "old hat" and need to take a year or two off to have fresh stuff to present?
4. Will Sylvester McCoy or Sophie Aldred be there? (No, seriously. Will they?)


  1. Dude, we got Sylvester MeCoy's signature on a vintage toy of the 7th Doctor at Dragoncon this year.

    Hell. Yes.

    1. Thanks for telling me that. I hate you now. Sigh. *grins*
