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Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Best Graphic Novels Ever #19 -- Minor Miracles

19. Minor Miracles
by Will Eisner
Published by DC Comics

The full title of this Eisner work is Minor Miracles: Long Ago and Once upon a Time Back When Uncles Were Heroic, Cousins Were Clever, and Miracles Happened on Every Block, and that's about the best synopsis you're going to get for the book.

Perhaps one of Eisner's most hopeful works, I think. It's also quite a good and proper bookend to A Contract With God.

Made up for four tales (again making it more a short story collection than a true "graphic novel" -- at least for the purists), Eisner once again is at his best creating tales not of the typical comic book fare of caped and masked heroes of out of this world adventures, but instead crafting stories of the everyday, the seemingly mundane drudge of life.

And it's in that drudge of life that he looks for the miraculous, almost with an eye toward magical realism. Almost.

Regardless, this is well worth picking up for any fan of the art form.

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