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Friday, December 21, 2012

The Best Graphic Novels Ever #21 -- Astro City: Life in the Big City

21. Astro City: Life in the Big City
by Kurt Busiek and Brent Anderson
Published by Wildstorm

While more a collection of vignettes or short stories than a single, unified graphic novel (though one could make the same arguments against some of Eisner's "graphic novels as well) this collection made many readers who had left super hero comics or who were burnt out on them realize all over again why they could be enjoyable and relevant. Instead of taking a "real world" approach to setting and technology (a la The Dark Knight flicks), Busiek took a more "real world" emotional tact instead, creating characters with genuine, believable motivation and pains.

The result is one of the most amazing collection of super hero stories in comics.

And let's be fair... One could argue that it's a single novel about a location, not a core human character, in much the same way that the mosaic Wild Card books are "novels."


  1. Here's the thing about Kurt Busiek: unlike a lot of modern day comic book writers he knows how to do "adult" superhero stories with making them dark, depressing or creepy. He doesn't dive into unnecessary violence or sexual perversion to make the characters "human" or "relatable." He's a writer who honestly and actually likes superheroes and enjoys writing about them.
