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Saturday, April 4, 2015

[Link] Great Expectations

by M.J. Rose

Apropos of a few blog posts I’ve read elsewhere and posts here and there, and my own book coming out last week… I’ve been thinking about “post-pub-blues.”

I think one of the real problems we authors face is that in order to write a book–to do all the research, to juggle day jobs and family and make sacrifices to find time to write, to sweat over words and paragraphs and characters, to sometimes bleed on the page–we have to believe what we are creating is not only wonderful and amazing and worth what we are giving it, but that there is no other book like it.

We have to be huge optimists.

We have to believe in the impossible.

Read the full article: http://writerunboxed.com/2015/03/29/great-expectations-2/

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