Pulp Ark, a convention focusing on New Pulp Fiction and Culture, was held from 2011 to 2013. In 2015, Pulp Ark returned as a major component of the River City Comic Expo in Little Rock, AR. A primary part of Pulp Ark for its first three years were The Pulp Ark Awards, fan voted awards for Genre Fiction defined as New Pulp.
According to Tommy Hancock, founder and coordinator of Pulp Ark and the Awards, The Pulp Ark New Pulp Awards are continuing in 2016 and will be awarded at the River City Comic Expo June 11-12, 2016 in Little Rock, AR.
“It feels right,” says Hancock, “to return the Awards to their association with Pulp Ark, especially with the successful return of the convention in a slightly new form in 2015. We’ve reviewed the slate of awards given in the past and have reduced the number for a variety of reasons, and although we may add removed awards back or even new categories at a later date, we feel like the awards offered are comprehensive for the state of New Pulp today. Pulp Ark was conceived to bring the best and brightest creators to the public’s attention and the Awards proved then and will again prove to be one of the best possible ways to do just that.”
Nominations for the 2016 Pulp Ark New Pulp Awards are now open and will close at 5 PM CST on February 1, 2016. Anyone can nominate in any of the available categories for work that was published in 2015, either in print, ebook form, or in an established internet venue, such as an e-magazine. Postings on personal blogs do not qualify.
All nominations that are made that fit the qualifications of New Pulp will be placed on the final ballot, regardless of the number of nominations any one work or individual receives. NO CREATOR MAY NOMINATE HIM/HERSELF OR HIS/HER WORK FOR A PULP ARK NEW PULP AWARD. Publishers may, however, nominate works from their own publishing houses as long as the Publisher is not a writer or artist involved in the nominated work. This is also a change from previous years.

Hancock also states, “Every year we held the awards, we received nominations that, due to the subjective way that New Pulp is defined, might be questionable in terms of qualifying as New Pulp. As we have done in the past with the Awards, there will be a selected committee of 4-5 New Pulp creators who will, when such questions arise, be consulted to determine inclusion of said work as a nomination.”
The only works eligible for the 2016 New Pulp Awards are those produced between January 1, 2015 and December 31, 2015. Anyone can make a nomination and anyone that makes a nomination will receive a ballot on February 2nd and voting will be open until 5 PM CST on February 17, 2016. Also, ballots will be posted on the Pulp Ark New Pulp Awards 2016 Facebook page and available for anyone who wishes to cut and paste and email the ballot to PulpArkNewPulpAwards2016@yahoo.com. Each ballot must contain a link to a Facebook page, a Twitter account, an email profile, or some other verifiable source by which the identity of the voter can be affirmed.
In the past, the Pulp Ark Awards were physical plaques presented to each winner. The final form of the 2016 Awards has not be determined at this point, but a physical award of some sort will be given to each winner.
The Categories open for Nomination until 5 PM CST February 1, 2016, are as follows.
Only One Nomination allowed per person per category in:
1. Best Novel (This includes E-books as well as print books and length must be 40,000 + words)
2. Best Collection/Anthology (This includes single author story collections and multi- author anthologies. This includes E-publications as well as print books)
3. Best short story (this includes stories that appear in short story collections, anthologies, magazines, and e magazines. If from an e-mag, the story must appear on a site identified as an e-magazine, not simply be posted on a site or blog. It includes e-publications as well as traditionally printed works. Length must be 17,500 words or less.)
4. Best Novella (this includes stories that appear in short story collections, anthologies, magazines, and e magazines. If from an e-mag, the story must appear on a site identified as an e-magazine, not simply be posted on a site or blog. It includes e-publications as well as traditionally printed works. Length must be 17,500- 40,000 words)
5. Best Cover-(This is restricted to prose book publications, including e-books)
6. Best Artist (This reward refers to the artist only and any artist with work published in New Pulp works, including novels, short stories, magazines, e-publications, and covers or interiors as well, in 2015 is eligible).
7. Best Author (This reward refers to the author and any author with work published in 2015 is eligible, including novels, short stories, etc. This includes e-publications as well).
8. Best New Writer (To be nominated, a writer must have been published for the first time in the pulp field in the calendar year of 2015. This includes e-publications as well).
Send all nominations or any questions to pulparknewpulpawards2016@yahoo.com.
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