Pro Se Productions, a leading independent Publisher on the cutting edge of Genre Fiction, proudly announces that celebrated author Robert J. Randisi has signed on with Pro Se for continued publication of one of the longest running and best known adult western series ever, Randisi’s THE GUNSMITH.

Under various other pseudonyms he has created and written the “Tracker,” “Mountain Jack Pike,” “Angel Eyes,” “Ryder,” “Talbot Roper,” “The Son of Daniel Shaye,” and “the Gamblers” Western series. His western short story collection, THE CAST-IRON STAR AND OTHER WESTERN STORIES,is now available in print and as an ebook from Western Fictioneers Books.
In the mystery genre he is the author of the “Miles Jacoby,” “Nick Delvecchio,” “Gil & Claire Hunt,” “Dennis McQueen,” “Joe Keough,” and “The Rat Pack,” series. He has written more than 500 western novels and has worked in the Western, Mystery, Sci-Fi, Horror and Spy genres. He is the editor of over 30 anthologies. All told he is the author of over 650 novels. . His arms are very, very tired.
His Rat Pack novel, EVERYBODY KILLS SOMEBODY SOMETIME, was optioned for a film, for which he wrote the screenplay. The most recent Rat Pack novel is WHEN SOMEBODY KILLS YOU (Severn House, 2015).
Randisi is the founder of the Private Eye Writers of America, the creator of the Shamus Award, the co-founder of Mystery Scene Magazine, the American Crime Writers League, Western Fictioneers and their Peacemaker Award.
In 2009 the Private Eye Writers of America awarded him the Life Achievement Award, and in 2013 the Readwest Foundation presented him with their President’s Award for Life Achievement.
“To say that Pro Se Productions is proud,” says Tommy Hancock, Partner in and Editor in Chief of Pro Se, “to be a part of the continuing adventures of THE GUNSMITH is a huge understatement. As a Publisher, I’ve been aware of Bob Randisi’s work and this particular series all along, primarily because I was a fan many years before I was a part of Pro Se. To be able to work with an author of Bob’s caliber and then, to top it off, to be publishing the adventures of such an iconic adult western hero as THE GUNSMITH, is probably the crowning achievement thus far for Pro Se, and for me as well.”
THE GUNSMITH #400-THE LINCOLN RANSOM by J. R. Roberts will be released the week of February 15th. With Randisi writing as Roberts, Hancock will be the series editor, with Percival Constantine providing print formatting and artist Jeffrey Hayes providing covers and logo design.
Pro Se Productions, a publisher of Genre Fiction since 2010 based in Batesville, Arkansas, is the place to find Westerns, Romances, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Hard Core Crime, and any other Genre available. Specializing in prose books, anthologies, audiobooks, and more, Pro Se has made a commitment to 'Put the Monthly Back into Pulp' and continues to do that successfully, producing at least one new work every month!
Pro Se is an innovator, continually refining its presentation and product and working on exciting new veins of Genre Fiction to bring to readers and fans of all ages everywhere!
For more information on this title, interviews with the author, or digital copies to review this book, contact Pro Se Productions’ Director of Corporate Operations, Kristi King-Morgan at
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