Imagine a haunted church, where the ground has turned sour and something walks in the shadows to the mournful hymns.
A silent covered bridge that no one dare cross, and the couple lost on the other side.
Angry spirits crying out beneath the ground of a cemetery that will not lie still.
An ageless man bound in love to a mortal woman, forever moving, forever haunted.
A police officer chasing a suspect into the woods - and suspects they are no longer alone.
A woman preparing to leave her husband, with watchful eyes in the corner of the room.
A voice that can speak only through a radio, a voice from beyond death itself.
A man haunted by an ageless face that brings tragedy to his life whenever it appears.
A girl whose imagination carries her beyond the point of no return in a future where dreams become reality - and so do nightmares.
These are the dark, ethereal songs of Moonlight Sonata, stories bound to disturb your sleep and chill your heart. A new collection from the award-winning author of Setting Suns and Nocturne Infernum, Elizabeth Donald has been called “a storytelling ability to rival that of Stephen King."
Released February 2017 from Dark Oak Press. Check out a FREE excerpt!

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Elizabeth Donald is a dark fiction writer fond of things that go chomp in the night. She is a three-time winner of the Darrell Award for speculative fiction and author of the Nocturne vampire mystery series and Blackfire zombie series, as well as other novels and short stories in the horror, science fiction and fantasy genres. She is the founder of the Literary Underworld author cooperative; an award-winning newspaper reporter and lecturer on journalism ethics; a nature and art photographer; freelance editor and writing coach. She is married to author Jim Gillentine, and their family lives in a haunted house in Illinois. In her spare time, she… has no spare time. Find out more about her at
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