What did you think about the Man of Steel movie?

That's still my biggest beef with Avengers -- not once did I ever feel like any citizen or hero's life was in danger even while a city was being destroyed. It was more like a child knocking Lego buildings around with his Mego action figures.
One the other hand, Man of Steel was about a war initiated by alien forces, and in war people die and are wounded, and you only win them by being soldiers.
To beat the bad guys, you become a vigilante, you win a war, you become a soldier.
And that, my friends, is why Man of Steel gets it right. In it, SuperBOY becomes a SuperMAN and has to make tough, truly meaningful, life-altering choices that help shape the man he is willing to become and not willing to become again.
You didn't feel robbed that Lois Lane figured out Superman's identity quickly and then selflessly held onto that secret? And Superman killing? It has happened, but for this movie, we needed a more hopeful story. That is why the Christopher Reeve's first 2 movies are the best live-action version of Superman: Hope!