Known for bringing classic Pulp characters back to life with a modern relevance and vibrance, Pro Se Productions announces the debut of the latest volume in its Charles Boeckman Presents imprint. Charles Boeckman Presents Johnny Nickle in Trouble Follows by Whit Howland is also the first appearance of Mister Boeckman’s jazz musician with a knack for mystery in his very own digest novel from Pro Se Productions.
Charles Boeckman, now 93 years old, was a writer of many stories back in the heyday of Pulp and beyond, mostly suspense/mystery and western tales. Due to his publishing of a collection of his mystery stories, Pro Se Productions became aware of his work and pursued the opportunity to bring many of his characters from what had been one shot stories back to life in new tales by today’s best Genre Fiction writers. This opportunity grew into Charles Boeckman Presents, with this latest digest novel featuring Johnny Nickle being the third printed volume in the imprint.
“Johnny Nickle,” says Tommy Hancock, Pro Se Productions Editor in Chief and Partner, “is back and blowing his trumpet for action like never before. And Whit Howland brings a punch all his own to the character. Trouble Follows moves with an electric charge that grabs the reader and doesn’t let go. This character was so rich in Mister Boeckman’s original story, he had so many levels and shades to him that more stories just had to be told.”
In a return engagement, Charles Boeckman Presents Johnny Nickle! A classic Pulp character created by Boeckman in the golden age of Pulp Fiction, Nickle returns to the stage to perform his wild new single -- Trouble Follows by Whit Howland!
Boeckman's Johnny Nickle returns to a familiar groove in a new adventure involving maidens, mobsters, and music in a situation that could lead to a permanent premature curtain call for our hero with the horn! Because, if there's one thing you should know by now, wherever Johnny Nickle goes…Trouble Follows!
Charles Boeckman Presents Johnny Nickle in Trouble Follows features stylish artwork by Adam Shaw and jazzy logo design by Sean Ali. The print version formatted by Ali is now available for $9.00 via Amazon and at Pro Se’s own store. This jam session of action is also available as an eBook formatted by Russ Anderson for the Kindle and for most formats at Smashwords for only $2.99.
For more information on this title, interviews with the author, or digital copies for review, contact Morgan McKay, Pro Se’s Director of Corporate Operations, at directorofcorporateoperations@prose-press.com.
For more information on Pro Se Productions, go to www.prose-press.com. Like Pro Se on Facebook at www.facebook.com/ProSeProductions.
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