An independent publisher of Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions invites authors to take a thrilling ride back to entertainment of Yesteryear by taking submissions for a new anthology. Remember How the West was Won and Written in the mid Twentieth Century with 1950s WESTERN ROUNDUP!
Stories for 1950s WESTERN ROUNDUP must include a real life personality from the era referred to as the Wild or Old West. Preference will be given to stories that feature actual outlaws as the heroes. Instead of being a youthful sociopathic killer of 21 men, Billy Bonney should be the misunderstood youngster who saves the small town. Or the dastardly Cole Younger a man who repents his evil ways to be Sheriff and prove his innocence. Other than this ‘heroizing’ of badmen/women, the stories must be consistent with the historical era being used and will involve no supernatural, steampunk, or other elements not in existence in the aforementioned era.
Stories for 1950s WESTERN ROUNDUP must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
1950s WESTERN ROUNDUP scheduled for publication in mid to late 2016 by Pro Se Productions.

A publisher of Genre Fiction and New Pulp, Pro Se Productions announces an open call for submissions for an upcoming anthology featuring soldiers, battles, tactical strategy, and more. Harkening back to a classic story trope from the early 20th Century, Pro Se opens up for proposals for PULP AT WAR!
Proposals for PULP AT WAR must be focused on soldiers in actual armed conflicts taken from history. Beginning with World War 1, any known War or military action can be used as the setting and the central character(s) must be enlisted in the Armed Forces in some form or fashion. Also, no supernatural/extranormal elements may be included in the stories. The tales in this collection must be reality based fiction. Also, the Wars in question as well as the soldiers spotlighted do not have to be conflicts involving the US or necessarily United States forces.
Stories for PULP AT WAR must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
PULP AT WAR is scheduled for publication in late 2015 to early 2016 by Pro Se Productions.
Pro Se Productions, a Genre Fiction Publisher known for reviving forgotten or obscure characters in new stories, announces an open call for an anthology centered on a movie cowboy from the 1930s. Herb Jeffries, singer and actor, portrayed cowboy crooner Bob Blake in three films. Known as The Bronze Buckaroo, the title of the second of the three Blake films, the character stands out as the first notable African American cowboy on the silver screen. Pro Se Productions proudly announces plans to build an anthology around Blake containing all new stories in The Adventures of The Bronze Buckaroo.
Even though the three movies were B type Singing Cowboy pictures, the character of Bob Blake stands out as a classic character, the cowboy who rides into help someone and even when he finds himself in trouble, still manages to stay on the right side of the law. Jeffries pulled off this stock character as well as any of his contemporaries, including Roy Rogers and Gene Autry. And the fact that he is a series character adds to Pro Se’s desire to keep telling the tales of the Bronze Buckaroo.
It is not lost on Pro Se Productions, however, the further significance of the character. What we hope to do with the Buckaroo is similar to the difference between the Hopalong Cassidy books and the Hoppy movies. We definitely plan to keep the continuity, what of it there is, the three movies establishes as well as the spirit of the character. He’s a strong, morally good character who is on the side of right. We also, however, want to be realistic. That is, Bob Blake is an African-American cowboy in the early 20th Century, so all that that entails should be utilized in these stories as the authors see fit Also, we’ll be looking for an authentic portrayal of Blake and other characters as cowboys, men of the range who lived by the gun and the saddle. Hats don’t stay clean and shirts pressed on the frontier. We hope to receive stories that pay homage to the Buckaroo movies, but are not pastiches of this really neat character.
The three Bob Blake films were Two-Gun Man From Harlem (1938), The Bronze Buckaroo (1939), and Harlem Rides the Range (1939). Although they are considered westerns, the time period which they, especially the later two, take place in is somewhat murky. This was not uncommon in the B-westerns of this type. For the purposes of the collection, the stories may be set anywhere from 1935 until 1941, allowing that Bob Blake was cowboying at least a few years before the first film.
Hancock also notes that for this collection, unless proposing authors indicate a reason otherwise, The Bronze Buckaroo will operate out of a ranch in California in the Apple Valley. This has a connection to the history of the films as they were all filmed at an African-American ran dude ranch in the Apple Valley.
A proposal of 100-500 words for inclusion in The Adventures of the Bronze Buckaroo must be submitted to Accepted stories must be 6,000 to 10,000 words. Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. When proposals are accepted and the collection filled, final deadline for completed stories will be determined and relayed to all accepted authors.
The Adventures of the Bronze Buckaroo is planned, at this stage to be one of Pro Se Productions’ Event Anthologies, that being a collection longer than the company’s usual 30 thousand word digest novels and 60 thousand word trade paperback volumes.
All three Bob Blake films starring Herb Jeffries are available on Youtube for viewing.

Pro Se Productions, a leading Publisher of Genre and Pulp Fiction, opens a submissions call for a collection spotlighting mystery and mayhem in a genre often forgotten by modern readers-railroad fiction. AND THE WHISTLE SCREAMED: MURDER ON THE RAILS is now open for submission.
Stories for AND THE WHISTLE SCREAMED: MURDER ON THE RAILS must be set on a train and must involve a murder. The time period can be any year in which trains have existed up until the modern era. Although this is largely a mystery collection, other types of stories, such as noir, may also be considered as long as the stories remain solidly set in a ‘real’ world; no science fiction, fantasy, or fantastical characteristics will be allowed.
Stories for AND THE WHISTLE SCREAMED: MURDER ON THE RAILS must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
AND THE WHISTLE SCREAMED: MURDER ON THE RAILS is scheduled for publication in mid to late 2016 by Pro Se Productions.
Pro Se Productions, a leading Publisher of New Pulp, announces today an open submissions call for a second volume of one of the company’s anthologies. Narrowing the focus for the second collection, Pro Se Productions invites writers to submit proposals to BLACK FEDORA: GANGSTERS ONLY.
BLACK FEDORA: GANGSTERS ONLY stories must be set between 1925 and 1949 and must deal with gangsters as perceived in that time frame. Stories must take place in the United States primarily, although scenes in other countries may be included as well. No extranormal influences or situations are to be included in these stories, such as magic, super powers, the paranormal, etc. These stories must focus on a central character as well and that character must be a gangster of some sort as previously described.
Stories for BLACK FEDORA: GANGSTERS ONLY must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
BLACK FEDORA: GANGSTERS ONLY is scheduled for publication in mid to late 2016 by Pro Se Productions.

Pro Se Productions, a leading publisher of Genre Fiction and New Pulp, opens a new anthology for submissions today. This collection will focus on Private Investigators, sleuths, and gumshoes who are different in their own way in ‘THE CASE OF THE DEFECTIVE DETECTIVE’.
The Case of the Defective Detective can be set in any time period up to the modern era. These can be mysteries of any type, but must clearly be mysteries/detective stories. The key element is that the featured detective have some sort of challenge that he or she faces personally, be it a medical condition or something else that typical detective heroes do not have to deal with.
Stories for The Case of the Defective Detective must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
The Case of the Defective Detective is scheduled for publication in late 2016 by Pro Se Productions.

In October, 2013, LIBERTY GIRL by Barry Reese debuted from Pro Se Productions. This digest novel was the first work from Pro Se to feature characters licensed from Heroic Publishing, a force in independent comics since the mid 1980s. Pro Se recently announced a second LIBERTY GIRL book, an anthology, to be in progress and today opened calls for a multi author anthology featuring another of Heroic’s best known characters -- Flare.
Stories for the FLARE Anthology must be 10,000 words in length and must adhere to the continuity established for Flare by Heroic Publishing. A biography on the character is available at Also, over five hundred pages of a webcomic featuring Flare is available as well at
A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Both Heroic Publishing and Pro Se Productions will approve these proposals before acceptance. Final deadline for completed stories is 60 days following acceptance of proposals.
FLARE is scheduled for publication in 2016 from Pro Se Productions.

Known for pushing the boundaries of Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions issues an open call for submissions to its latest crime/mystery anthology. Palm trees, beaches, and all the heat one can handle is what Pro Se seeks for Crime Down Island.
Crime Down Island stories must be set from 1900 forward to the modern day. No magic, paranormal, or extraordinary devices may be worked into the story. Having said that, depending on the locale, religious and superstitious beliefs that appear to be paranormal or magic can definitely be utilized as a part of the tale. Stories for this volume may be straight up mysteries with the lead characters being policemen, detectives, etc. Stories may also and are encouraged to focus on those who commit crimes, the villains or the island ‘gangsters’ that may be committing crimes. Stories can be Noirish, Hard Boiled, or any style appropriate.
Crime Down Island must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
Crime Down Island is scheduled for publication in late 2016 by Pro Se Productions.

Hollywood. A city of Magic and Mayhem! A mystical land founded in celluloid and scandal and peopled with stars, mavens, ingénues, and the movers and shakers that made them! Even though we all know the truth behind the glitter, we all look to that nearly fabled town with a sort of awe. And we all think back on its classic era, from its beginnings through the 1950s, when being a star meant something to everyone. And when crime walked hand in hand with Hollywood’s finest down the proverbial red carpet.
HOLLYWOOD MYSTERY will feature three to six stories set in Hollywood’s early years and Golden Age (1912-1959). From its humble origins all the way through the days of Bogart, Wayne, Cooper, Davis, Hayworth, Hepburn, and more, Hollywood is the setting. And the genre is very much mystery. Not crime or noir, but whodunits, murder cases, putting the pieces of the puzzle together to catch the bad guy. And in the leading role as the hero or heroine. Your favorite Hollywood personality from that period.
Cast Mickey Rooney as a pint sized armchair shamus. Have Errol Flynn swashbuckle his way through a murder. Take your favorite classic movie star or even someone obscure and rare and plop them into the middle of a situation that they must solve to survive.
Stories for HOLLYWOOD MYSTERY must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals. Any style of mystery (hard boiled, cozy, procedural, etc) is acceptable.
HOLLYWOOD MYSTERY is scheduled for publication in late 2015 to early 2016 by Pro Se Productions.

An independent publisher of Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions opens a call for submissions for a new anthology set in a land that has thrilled generations of children and adults for over a century. Pro Se Productions invites creators to take a trip BACK TO OZ!
BACK TO OZ will feature stories utilizing only the material from L. Frank Baum’s original 14 Oz books. Authors may introduce new characters into the mythos, but any characters created in later versions of non Baum Oz books cannot be used. Also, although authors are not encouraged to mimic or mock Baum’s style, the stories must be written in the same flavor as the original tales. Only elements that were present or indicated in the original fourteen books will be allowed.
So many books in the last several years about Oz have taken alternative views. ‘What if Oz was ravaged by war?’ or ‘What if Oz was really this dystopian hell?’ and so forth. Although there is a place for those sort of tales, maybe even at Pro Se, that place isn’t this anthology. In BACK TO OZ, Pro Se wants readers to rediscover why they fell in love with Baum’s books originally and Pro Se wants to see writers tackle one of the greats and do it justice. And don’t think that that means these have to be stories that only children will enjoy. Oz is one of those lands of lore that thrill all ages.
Stories for BACK TO OZ must be 10,000 words in length. A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
BACK TO OZ is scheduled for publication in 2016 by Pro Se Productions.

An innovative Publisher of Genre Fiction, Pro Se Productions announced an open call for submissions to an anthology that not only expands the boundaries of modern Pulp fiction, but does so under the guiding hand of one of today’s most skilled and inventive authors.
The company is now taking submissions for stories to be included in Kimberly Richardson’s Pulp Gothic.
To be considered for inclusion in Kimberly Richardson’s Pulp Gothic, stories may be set in any time period. Those submitting proposals should be familiar with the Gothic genre enough that the submitted concept, regardless of how pulpy the writing style is, contain multiple aspects and points that set it apart as ‘Gothic.’
A proposal of 100-500 words for inclusion into this collection must be submitted to Accepted stories will be required to be approximately 10,000 words in length. Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Ms. Richardson and Pro Se staff. When proposals are accepted and the collection filled, final deadline for completed stories will be determined and relayed to all accepted authors.
Kimberly Richardson’s Pulp Gothic -- Now open for submissions from Pro Se Productions.

Due to a licensing agreement with Heroic Publishing, a well known independent comic book publisher, Pro Se Productions invites authors to submit proposals for LIBERTY GIRL: FIGHT FOR FREEDOM!
“Pro Se’s first ‘Liberty Girl’ digest novel,” says Tommy Hancock, Editor in Chief of and Partner in Pro Se Productions, “was a tour de force by Barry Reese. That story not only brought to prose the original adventure debuting Liberty Girl, but also set the stage for new stories based on a truly great character. Not only is the character a strong female, but she holds the unique position of being a patriotic icon in her world, a representation of the best of America. And when not only her country, but the very concept of freedom is threatened, Liberty Girl may find herself with only one option. And that is what this anthology will explore.”
Stories for LIBERTY GIRL: FIGHT FOR FREEDOM must be 10,000 words in length and must center around the theme suggested in the subtitle. Be it an alien invasion, a kidnapping of a bus full of bowling nuns, or the capture of Liberty Girl herself, the stories for this collection must deal directly with someone’s freedom being compromised or threatened, placing Liberty Girl in the position to defend and battle for freedom, literally and/or figuratively.
A proposal of 100-500 words must be submitted to Authors not previously published by Pro Se Productions must submit a writing sample of at least two pages with their proposals. Both Heroic Publishing and Pro Se Productions will approve these proposals before acceptance.
Authors whose proposals are accepted must submit the first four pages of their accepted stories as quickly as possible for review by Pro Se and Heroic staff. Final deadline for completed stories is 90 days following acceptance of proposals.
LIBERTY GIRL: FIGHT FOR FREEDOM is scheduled for publication in late 2015/early 2016 from Pro Se Productions.
For more story opportunities, visit:
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