Hello. My name is Del Garrett. I’m a writer, editor and a former publisher, and for years I have been sponsoring writing contests for the Arkansas Writers’ Conference and the White County Creative Writers Conference. I’ve decided to offer this Triple Scoop contest to other writers so I’m reaching out to all writing clubs and encouraging you to include me in your lists of contest sponsors.
I’m doing this for two reasons. I like to read and I wouldn’t be where I am today if I hadn’t first submitted to contests — so this is sort of my way to give something back to other writers. Cold, hard cash!
Here are the rules and this year’s deadline. I hope to hear from you and award you with prize money.
Triple Scoop means three chances to win!
Welcome to the Triple Scoop Fiction and Poetry contests. You have three chances to win. Prizes are $50 for 1st place; $35 for 2nd place and $15 for 3rd place. Certificates awarded with cash prizes and 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place Honorable Mention awards.
Contest Rules:
You may enter up to three submissions. Each submission will be considered for all prizes. Entry fees are $5 for the first entry, $3 for each additional entry. No more than three entries allowed. Each submission must be no more than: Fiction—three pages, double spaced, using any standard font of 12point size, on 8 ½ X 11-inch white bond paper. Poetry—one page only, single or double spaced, using any standard font of 12-point size, on 8 ½ X 11-inch white bond paper. Do Not list your identification on the typed pages. Staple all fiction submissions separately (do not staple poetry pages) and include a blank envelope sealed shut with the enclosed entry form provided below and your entry fee.

Do not mix prose and poetry—keep each contest separate. No e-mail, paper submissions only. Violations may result in disqualification.
No refunds.
Mail all submissions to:
Del Garrett, 806 Rhoden Rd, Judsonia, AR 72081.
Make checks or money orders payable to: B. Odell Garrett.
Do Not Send Cash.
All submissions will be shredded 30 days after the deadline. All rights are automatically returned to the author effective January 1st, 2017.
We do not publish your work. Contest Deadline is December 31st, 2016.
Winners will be announced and prizes mailed on March 1st, 2017.
For more information about me, please visit my web site:
ENTRY FORM – Please Print Carefully
Fiction—Number of Entries: 1 2 3 (circle number) Total Entry Fee___________________
Poetry—Number of Entries: 1 2 3 (circle number) Total Entry Fee___________________
Your Name ______________________________________________________________________
Pen Name for the Certificate? ________________________________________________________ Address__________________________________________________________________________ E-Mail___________________________________________________________________________
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