The Charity:
All net proceeds from sales of this anthology will go to The Cystic Fibrosis Trust.
In the time since my fiction has been on the market, I've found a lot of friends online. One of these friends has a daughter with Cystic Fibrosis. This friend has been one of the biggest supporters of my fiction and I would like to repay her by giving to the very foundation that is helping her daughter in so many great ways: The Cystic Fibrosis Trust, a UK-based charity that assists those suffering with CF.
Here's more about The Cystic Fibrosis Trust from their website:
"Since it was established in 1964, the Cystic Fibrosis Trust has actively supported excellence in research and clinical care, as well as providing practical support and advice to people with Cystic Fibrosis and their families. We are the only UK-wide charity focusing solely on CF.
We believe that everybody living with CF deserves the best possible quality of life with access to the best quality care and with a real hope for a better future. We will support them and their families to make this happen.
To do this, we fund high quality research to understand CF better and to develop new and better treatments, we set standards of CF care and review services to make sure they are meeting those standards, and we provide information and advice to people with CF and their families."
The Indiegogo fundraiser:
I've created an Indiegogo fundraiser for Blood Type to help raise funds to pay the authors. Most charity anthologies aren't able to pay their contributors and I wanted to do something different for a change. My goal is to raise enough money to pay pro rates for all accepted stories. But the great thing about Indiegogo is that if I don't meet my goal, I still receive the funds that are donated, so no matter what, whatever funds that are raised will be split between the contributing authors.
Please take the time to check out the page, there are some great perks. Just donating $5 gets you an early ebook copy of the final anthology. Some of the other perks for higher contributions include your name listed in the acknowledgements, bookmarks, a trade paperback copy, to be added to a mailing list that will receive all of my current and future ebook titles, a trade paperback copy signed by me along with bookmarks signed by the individual authors, a special thanks in the dedication and you get a character in one of the stories named after you.
The fundraiser can be found here:
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions open October 1st 2012 and last through December 31st. Unpublished stories only. Full fledged horror is welcome but each story must have a strong science fiction element at its core or a particularly strong science fiction outside element.
Stories should be in standard manuscript format (Times New Roman font preferred, 12pt, and double spaced) 1,500 to 10,000 words with a preference in the 1,500 to 5,000 range. Payment upon publication will be an author copy and at least a token payment to be determined by the amount of funds the anthology raises through Indiegogo.
Send submissions to:
To clarify what types of stories I'm looking for to fill this anthology:
To me science fiction isn't just robots, space, and rockets. Science fiction is great fiction based in any branch of science, be it astronomy, physics, chemistry, biology--hell, geology if you can make it work. Whatever.
The first story I accepted is a great story by Michael Collings called Accommodation. In this story the science fiction element that stuck out to me most was more of a social element, but the whole story is founded on it.
Overall what I'm looking for is a balance of two things. 1. A great story with great characters. 2. Innovative science fiction ideas at the core of the story or very strongly in the outer elements of the story. In a nutshell I want a resonating story with great characters that will blow my mind intellectually.
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