Saturday, September 18, 2021

[Link] Scrivener Scenario: Creating a Series Bible

by Gwen Hernandez 

I was about halfway through book three in my series when I realized I needed a series bible. And since I write in Scrivener, creating it there was the obvious choice.

In case you haven’t heard the term before, a series bible (or series guide) is a collection of key details about everything and everyone in the world of your series, from the characters’ eye colors, birthdates, personalities, and the cars they drive, to their family history, the name of pertinent streets, and the timeline for major and minor events (current and backstory).

If you’d like to maintain a series bible in Scrivener, you’ll want to consider whether to put the series of books and the supporting material all in one project file, or to keep the books in separate files.

I use a hybrid version, so I’ll cover the pros and cons of each and give you a sneak peek at mine.

Here are some of the benefits to keeping a connected series of books—and all supporting info—in one Scrivener project.

Read the full article:

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