So we thought him exactly the kind of writer you should get to know.
Tell us a bit about your latest work.

What are the themes and subjects you tend to revisit in your work?
I do a lot of work with characters who have shades of gray to them or checkered pasts. In all my works, my characters have something they're running from or actions they're trying to make amends for. I also like working with mythology of all different types.
What would be your dream project?
Man, that's a tough one, and it probably changes depending on what day of the week it is. I'm a comic geek, so I think getting a chance to write the Avengers or the X-Men comics would be awesome, as those are two of my favorite properties.

If you have any former project to do over to make it better, which one would it be, and what would you do?
Funny you should mention that, I've actually been toying with this idea for one of my self-published books, CHASING THE DRAGON. I really enjoyed the characters and the story, but looking back I think I pushed the envelope with the style. And while I think it's good to try experiments like that, sometimes the result isn't as good as it could have been. So there's a part of me that thinks I'd like to revisit the story and try to redo it in a more natural style.
What inspires you to write?
For me, it's not so much a matter of inspiration -- more like an urge. It's just something I have to do. Guess you could say it's a drug for me.
What writers have influenced your style and technique?

There are other writers who have influenced me a lot in terms of themes and elements, but if we're talking strictly style and technique, then it's Leonard all the way. Although the others tend to meld together in a mixture of influence, Leonard just stands apart from the rest.
Where would you rank writing on the "Is it an art or it is a science continuum?" Why?
If by science, you mean that writing is more of a construction of different elements to construct a product and by art you mean it should be more than that, then I guess it depends what you want to write.
Personally, I don't put too much thought into whether or not what I do is art. Some people might say it is, others might say it's not. I'm not out to reinvent the wheel or make any statements on society (although some of that will undoubtedly seep in since no one writes in a vacuum and your beliefs have an influence on your work). I like making stuff up and I like writing the kind of stories I'd enjoy reading.
Any other upcoming projects you would like to plug?

The second project is DRAGON KINGS OF THE ORIENT. This is a novella which is a sequel to last year's Pulp Ark Award-nominated THE MYTH HUNTER. It features Elisa Hill once again and two of her associates from the first book, her mentor Max Finch and Asami, a Japanese changeling. They've been tasked with stopping Sun Wukong, the Monkey King whose just escaped after centuries of imprisonment, from killing the mythical Dragon Kings. If the Dragon Kings are killed, the result will be oceanic chaos in Asia. Right now, the book is currently going through editing, but it's my hope it'll be ready to go by the time the summer rolls around.
For more information about Perry and his work, visit http://percivalconstantine.wordpress.com/novels/.
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